lunes, 26 de abril de 2010

Finally... 6-Word Stories

As I said a few days ago we could very soon read here some of the 6-Word Stories that my students have enjoyed the most or the ones they wrote. Bear in mind that these are students of English as a second language and they're 13-15 years old.
These are some stories my students wrote themselves:

- A brand new house. Bank owned. (Jorge Bendala)
- For sale: blood stained white shirt. (Cinta Rodríguez)
- Going to school. Rainy. No bus. (Cristina González)
- Eating at the restaurant. Dish washing. (Raúl Bendala)
- For sale. University book. Brand new. (Pedro Gómez)
- We need heartbeats for our hearts. (Yasmín Domínguez)
- For sale: brand new small collar. (Cristina Lino)
- I'm not going to school. Raining. (Bella Sánchez)
- Don't work anymore. It isn't necessary. (Lorenzo Rodríguez)
- I buy love. It is expensive. (Marta Ponce)
- Thinking head. Crazy heart. Heart wins. (Mª Carmen Martín)
- Sweet baby. Immature boy. Destroyed adult. (Mª Carmen Martín)
- Money is sold. Wisdom is earned. (Mª Carmen Martín)

These are some they found in the web and found interesting:

- Armageddon imminent. Make list. Tick most.
- Badmouthed her. Realized she's behind me.
- She loved again. I never did.
- His last twenty dollars on red.
- Falling snow erases more than footprints.
- Bravely, Zack refused the passed joint.
- Rooftop, looking down, let go. Fall.
- Coyote howls, dark night, flat tyre.
- Secretary broke leg. Rediscovering plumpy wife.
- Dropped love letter in wrong locker.
- Doctor gave me twenty-four hours. Yesterday.
- Dinosaurs return. Want their oil back.
- Love triangle. You get the point.

Not bad, huh?

Colectivo Improvisa

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